Fresh Milk dominates[:
Friday, October 9, 2009 @
Hello i am at sarah's house and she is so cool!!!!
Wendick is a nehneh.

oh hello stranger
Hello stranger, do you like milk? I oh-so-love milk, they give me high sensations. If you hate milk, then pls leave. Cause, this is the production of milk territory muahahaha!.
And is where u can find me everyday

potato chips with chocolate milk
My name is CM;ruler of all rulers.
Tanjong Katong Secondary School.
TKband, Trumpets
I think Boobhead rule. haha[:

Donate some milk?

train to nowhere
Ailing SBSenior | anata | ah xi | alicia | Ah Ying | BBQ Marshmellow | big jar | boobies | BB | Bacon | delphinus | dear KQ | ET COMES HOME | Father | gf | huat leng | hahsia | Hannaj | hao hao | hookmybra | if lean | itsabell | Joker | Jac | kettle | lame HY | latin | lauP | Mr.Horny | Mitch Albom | meimei | Mingming | NANA | Opps WhEN | nnylrehs | pei xuan | qm | qf | Re na | Rowdy! | rich men | small jar | SHAAA-za | sinta's sister | selina | Sichuncai | starelah | tissue | TK BAND! | XM | YF SBSenior | zheng | ze hao | ZOO | Link

November 2007 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 October 2009

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.